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Elizabeth Rieskamp RN, BSN, HTP-A

I received my BSN in nursing from Xavier University, where I was first introduced to Healing Touch. I started my nursing career 18 years ago at The University of Cincinnati Medical Center in the Medical Intensive Care Unit. While in that unit, I became increasingly aware of how sick my patients were and how, when plagued with chronic disease, medicine is a great band-aid, but does not address the root cause of the problem.

I have always had a passion and interest in the mind/body connection and self-healing. Recognizing a need for patients to relax and have empowerment during their healing process. I want to compliment traditional medical practices and help patients connect the mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical energies within their body, allowing for a deeper healing to take place. Watching my patients self-heal has given me a whole new perception of health.

To try and further this mission, I created a Holistic committee in the hospital to unite healthcare professionals in bringing more energy healing to patients as well as addressing self-care of staff. I began seeing patients in my home for over a year now and feel so humbled and grateful to be witness to the body-soul connection and the amazing power my patients possess to heal.

I live on the Westside of Cincinnati with my husband, four kids, and our dog, Daisy.

Elizabeth Rieskamp
Meet Elizabeth: About
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